Friday, September 10, 2010

You Don't Know Dick About Drugs!

I ALWAYS score "high" on drug tests!

Here is your chance to test your knowledge and find out how much you know about drugs and drug policy.
September 8, 2010 |

Drug use, addiction and the war on drugs touches everyone.

Most people's drug use starts before they leave the house (coffee) and many end the day with a drug (alcohol). While most people have beneficial relationships with drugs, we all know someone who has misused or developed an addiction to certain drugs. And we all know someone who has been harmed by the drug war.

The war on drugs is in the news every day: whether it's violence in Mexico, Californians voting on marijuana legalization, or some famous person getting caught with marijuana or cocaine.

Here is your chance to test your knowledge and find out how much you know about drugs and drug policy!

Sample questions:
1) Which Country Locks Up the Most People for Drug Law Violations (In Total and Per Capita)?
A) Russia
B) China
C) Mexico
D) United States
E) Iran
2) True or False: The U.S. Congress Passed a Resolution in 1988 Calling for a Drug Free America by 1995?

3) Which Country Decriminalized Drugs in 2002 and has since seen declines in crime, death and disease?

A) Portugal
B) Netherlands
C) Germany
D) England

4) Which Current/Former Presidents Used Illegal Drugs?
A) President Obama
B) President Bush II
C) President Clinton
D) All of the Above
There are 20 questions in all, and the answers are supplied. If you don't finish during class-time, finish it for homework.

Class dismissed.

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